Wednesday 25th March 2020
Local Link evening services on Door to Door routes (DRT) are suspended, effective immediately
In County Kerry this means that Local Link Kerry’s 4 Evening Time Bus services (covering Asdee, Ballylongford, Ballinskelligs, Bonane, Cordal, Currow and Waterville) have been suspended during the COVID-19 crisis.
We are working with Operators so that resources can be redeployed, where practical, to the delivery of groceries, medical and fuel supplies as well as assisting community support services for people in rural areas
Local Link evening services on Door to Door routes (DRT) are being suspended, effective immediately. These resources will instead be redeployed, where practical, to the delivery of community support service for passengers who need medical and food supplies within rural areas, in particular the elderly, the vulnerable, and the sick.
In line with the announcement by government on Thursday March 12th, the National Transport Authority (NTA) confirms that public transport services will continue to run and all other Local Link services shall continue, with regular updates to be provided over the coming days.
Local Link is working with local authorities, agencies, community and volunteer groups, the GAA, and An Garda Síochána to ensure that vulnerable members of the community can avail of a trusted and coordinated support services over the coming weeks and months, providing additional trips where possible for essential travel to purchase provisions and making contact with passengers who are not travelling but may require assistance.
Local Link is offering a collect and deliver service, where possible, from pharmacies and local shops for passengers, delivering critical medical supplies to the elderly, the vulnerable and sick within rural areas. Those in need of such support should contact their Local Link provider directly.
The COVID-19 situation continues to evolve in Ireland, and Local Link is aware that this uncertain period is concerning to many throughout the country. Local Link is following all guidelines as issued by the NTA and continues to follow all public health guidelines issued by the Chief Medical Officer and the HSE.
“We would like to thank everybody working to keep Local Link operating, and we ask our passengers to work together as we try to reduce the spread of COVID-19,” says Margaret Malone, Rural Transport Programme Manager.
The NTA and public transport operators continue to follow all public health guidelines issued by the Chief Medical Officer and the HSE. As always, please continue to be practice social and physical distancing when using public transport and regular hand-washing and remember to cough/sneeze into your elbow.