TFI LOCAL LINK KERRY appeared in both the Kerrys Eye & The Kerryman Newspapers to raise awareness of our services throughout the county during these exceptional times.
From Ballylongford to Bonane & Barraduff to Brandon Point, TFI LOCAL LINK KERRY provide bus services into towns and villages throughout the County. TFI LOCAL LINK KERRY covers the length and breadth of the Kingdom.
TFI LOCAL LINK KERRY has continued to operate during the Covid-19 period. When the pandemic first hit back in mid-March 2020, LLK continued to operate services on an essentials only basis and redeployed other services to help deliver food & other necessities to those who were unable to make the journey themselves. This continued redeployment demonstrates the versatility of the Local Link model during a national emergency.
During these restricted early months of 2021, TFI LOCAL LINK KERRY are planning to enhance existing bus services but also identify new bus services where a sufficient demand and also where a gap can be established. If you believe there is such a situation or an unmet need in your area, please call 066-7147002 or email