R60 – MOYVANE – TARBERT – BALLYLONGFORD – ASDEE – LISTOWEL International Symbol of Access - Wikipedia

Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday

Scroll left to right on the table to see the full route timetable.

Stops Inbound Stops Outbound
Depart: Moyvane 09:05 Depart: Listowel Square 14.45
Depart: Tarmons 09:10 Depart: Supervalu, Listowel 14:50
Depart: Tarbert – Swanky Bar 09:25 Arrive: Moyvane 15:10
Depart: Ballylongford (Kennelly’s Garage) 09:40 Arrive: Tarmons 15:20
Depart: Asdee (Church) 09.50 Arrive: Tarbert – Swanky Bar 15:30
Depart: Lisselton Cross 10:00 Arrive: Ballylongford 15:45
Arrive: Supervalu, Listowel 10:20 Arrive: Asdee Church 15:55
Arrive: Listowel Square 10:30 Arrive: Lisselton 16:10
This Service will be Door to Door (where possible) in the following townlands:

Moyvane, Tarmons, Doonard Upper, Tarbert , Lenamore, Killpaddoge, Lislaughtin, Ballylongford, Cloonaman, Asdee, Curraghderrig, Larha, Farranstack, Lisselton Cross, Derra.

Pre-Booking of seats is a requirement where there are deviations to the Route. Due to the door-to-door nature of the above service this may result in slight change to Pick up times.

R61 – MOYVANE – KNOCKANURE – ATHEA – LISTOWEL International Symbol of Access - Wikipedia

Every Wednesday

Scroll left to right on the table to see the full route timetable.

Stops Inbound Stops Outbound
Depart: Moyvane 09:30 Depart: Listowel (Square) 14:45
Depart: Blake’s Cross 09:35 Depart: SuperValu, Listowel 14:50
Depart: Knockanure 09:45 Arrive: Kilmorna 15:05
Depart: Athea 10:00 Arrive: Athea 15:15
Depart: Kilmorna 10:20 Arrive: Knockanure 15:40
Arrive: Listowel (Square) 10:35 Arrive: Blake’s Cross 15:50
Arrive: Moyvane 15:55
This Service will be Door to Door (where possible) in the following townlands:

Blake’s Cross, Drummurher, Leitrim Middle, Moyvane, Knockanure, Athea, Kilmorna.

Pre-Booking of seats is a requirement where there are deviations to the Route. Due to the door-to-door nature of the above service this may result in slight change to Pick up times.

R50 – MOYVANE – TARBERT – BALLYLONGFORD – LISTOWEL – TRALEE International Symbol of Access - Wikipedia

Last Monday of the Month

Scroll left to right on the table to see the full route timetable.

Inbound Outbound
Main Street, Moyvane 09;15 Ashe Memorial Hall, Tralee 14:00
Swanky Bar, Tarbert 09:30 Listowel Square 14:40
Ballylongford (Kennelly’s Garage) 09:40 Main Street, Moyvane 15;00
The Square, Listowel 10:00 Ballylongford (Kennelly’s Garage) 15:15
Ashe Memorial Hall, Tralee 10:25 Swanky Bar, Tarbert 15:30
This Service will be Door to Door (where possible) in the following townlands:

Moyvane, Lenamore, Tarbert, Ballylongford, Rusheen, Carrigfoyle, Ballyline, Listowel.

Pre-Booking of seats is a requirement where there are deviations to the Route. Due to the door-to-door nature of the above service this may result in slight change to Pick up times.

S239b – Moyvane Area – Listowel International Symbol of Access - Wikipedia

Every Wednesday

Scroll left to right on the table to see the full route timetable.

Inbound Outbound
Depart: Ard Curam Day Care Centre, Greenville Listowel 08:30 Depart: Ard Curam Day Care Centre, Greenville Listowel 14:45
Arrive: Ard Curam Day Care Centre, Greenville Listowel 10:00
This Service will be Door to Door (where possible) in the following townlands:

Moyvane, Leitrim Middle, Leitrim East, Carreuragh, Coilagurteen, Kilbaha Middle, Cloonbrane, Skehenerin, Coilbee, Lavalla South.

S239d – Tarbert – Moyvane – Listowel

Every Tuesday

Scroll left to right on the table to see the full route timetable.

Inbound Outbound
Depart: Ard Curam Day Care Centre, Greenville Listowel 08:30 Depart: Ard Curam Day Care Centre, Greenville Listowel 14:45
Arrive: Ard Curam Day Care Centre, Greenville Listowel 10:00
This Service will be Door to Door (where possible) in the following townlands:

Route 1 Townlands

Kilpadogue, Ahalana, Farranawana, Doonard, Tarmon, Skehenerin, Kilmorna.